One of the key modifications of simple justice court is the ability of the average citizen that has been wronged, to seek justice, with the help of the government. Simple justice court is designed to be user-friendly, a do-it-yourself kind of court, if a person cannot afford to hire a lawyer or choose not to deal with them for any reason there is help, and no one should be completely on their own.

The advisor position was created to allow ordinary people to use the court, without having to hire a lawyer. The advisor is a paid government lawyer, part of simple justice court; not representing either party, the advisor is neutral; they help the plaintiff and the defendant equally, they represent only the law, their services are free for the people who use them. They are the connection between the government laws and the people. The advisor is sort of like a small claims court advisor being utilized today in courts all over the country. They give to the ordinary person a tool to help keep things equal with a professional lawyer.

The advisor will listen patiently, answer questions, evaluate the case, give suggestions and technical advice and maybe look up complicated law things that the average person without legal training would have no way of doing. The person bringing the suit or defending are expected to do all of the work in building their case, the advisor can only help. The advisor will make sure there is a case before it goes to court and is the first line of defense against frivolous lawsuits. The advisor like all employees of simple justice court is monitored for quality control; all meetings are private and confidential recorded and kept in storage, until the case is over with, or there is a problem, the recording is evidence of what might have gone wrong in that department.The cost of the advisor to the government is minor and can be paid for by money that is wasted from our tax dollars. We will discuss this later in great detail.We feel the government owes the people of this country this service, to make up for an unequal educational system, which has left most people in the dark with legal problems.
