Ground The President

This is a nonpartisan issue. We are not trying to give one political group advantage over another. We hope after you read this plea, you will agree with us. It’s time to limit the President’s movements; this is for Trump and all future Presidents. It probably should be pointed out before the Secret Service or FBI pays us a visit; we have no knowledge of any threats to the President

Our national security concerns 

A briefcase officially known as the “President’s emergency satchel,” the so-called nuclear “Football” that travels with the president

The codes to launch a nuclear strike are contained within, allowing anyone with access to the president and the codes to start World War III. The only thing that prevents this is the security detail that travels with the president wherever he goes. They have done a good job so far, but what if they are defeated by terrorist in the future; is it worth the risk? To allow the president to be irresponsible in his travels to places that poses a danger for this scenario to happen. The president and the codes would be safer at the White House, not in a foreign country, a political fundraiser or in a motorcade to play golf. The ability for our president to call for a nuclear strike is important for the security of our nation and is supposed to be an infallible system, but somehow someone always seems to find a way to screw it up. The president should be in the situation room at the White House, surrounded by his aides, if the need to launch becomes necessary, not on the road or in the air; the president should take this part of his job seriously.

​The cost for security is enormous, but we have a few suggestions that might help if the president wanted to perform outside the White House. The President could use a body double, someone who looks like them, for the current administration we would suggest Alec Baldwin, or maybe someone else; we don’t want to get him hurt. There is really no good reason why the President must leave the White House; we know they have Internet access, and can tweet their messages without being in personal contact with anybody, reporters can visit the White House, and the President can say whatever they like or don’t like, and it will be on the news in no time, The President can televise their message as well. Before you start feeling sorry for the president, they would not be in jail. There is plenty of entertainment and things to do, like their job. They could leave the White House as long as the nuclear football stayed behind. Everyone is entitled to time off and go on vacation, but it should not be every day, the President could sneak out of the White House, and play some golf; if they wore a disguise; and still be protected at a lesser cost to us, the government could hire a makeup artist for this purpose; President Lincoln wore a Shawl over his head, to look like a woman, one time when he was President. The President could leave without drawing attention in an ordinary car, we’re not sure if the current president knows how to drive, a driver from the Secret Service could be provided, or a taxi could come to the White House and pick him up, without the secrets service motorcade; that would save more of our tax dollars.​

When we say Ground the President, we are not just talking about keeping them from flying. That would save billions of our tax dollars and is important, but our goal is to keep the President out of all modes of transportation, and grounded to a fixed place something like the White House; that could be better defended than a motorcade. Other advantages of Grounding the President, would be to stop other waste of our tax dollars